Lab Inte​rest

Using fMRI, we investigate the brain areas involved in the recognition and processing of visual and multisensory features; the results will be combined with computational theories to model the underlying neuronal mechanisms. In particular, questions such as the following will be answered: How does the human brain manage to process individual sensory stimuli and unite them into a coherent perception? Which processes control decisions based on such stimuli? In order to gain a better understanding of how the brain processes and connects sensory inputs, several methodological approaches will be combined: (1) hardware processes at the neuronal level through fMRI, (2) the analysis of perception and action at the behavioural level, and (3) computer-aided analysis and modelling. Our research direction is highly guided by Prof. Zhaoping Li’s computational models and theories about the human visual system. Moreover, state-of-the-art hardware including MRI compatible eye trackers and stereoscopic presenting system is equipped with MRI scanners, that enables us to present complex stereoscopic stimuli and record eye movement data during scanning. In addition to 3T scanner which is fairly common, an ultra-high field (9.4T) scanners are also ready for scientific study in our institute.

current projects

Based on Prof. Dr. Zhaoping Li’s new framework that views vision as consisting of encoding, selection and decoding stages, emphasizing the function of selection, new predictions that have been supported by behavioral evidence will be tested with fMRI in the ongoing projects. These projects include: 1) The neural mechanisms of visual orienting will be investigated in human V1, superior co​lliculus and other visual areas. 2) The top-down feedback connection from higher visual areas to lower visual areas will be studied in the foveal and peripheral visual field, combined with machine leaning algorithms and functional connectivity.
